Elizabeth Gunter

Elizabeth Gunter was born in the southwestern districts of South Africa. After matriculating in Heidelberg (Cape), she studied at Stellenbosch University, where she graduated with a BA degree in Fine Arts (Educationis). She obtained Honours (1980) and Masters (1984) degrees in Fine Arts and a PhD degree in Visual Arts (2011) from the same university. Throughout her career, she has lectured visual arts at various institutions and finally specialised in teaching drawing at the Visual Arts Department of Stellenbosch University, from where she retired at the end of 2022. Gunter has had several solo exhibitions in the Western Cape, participated in numerous group exhibitions country-wide and her work is represented in private, corporate, and public collections both in South Africa and abroad. The human/animal relationship remains key to her artmaking practices. She mainly uses drawing to find both the otherness and sameness of animal presence. She continues to explore the power of drawing to evoke those contiguities that flow between inner and outer worlds of engagement. The drawing process and its ability to reveal the nascent pathways of intuitive doing and subjective understanding lead her explorations of possible overlaps between human and animal awareness.

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