Kilmany-Jo Liversage (b. 1973) lives and works in Cape Town, South Africa. Adopting the graffiti or urban art language allows her to update, renew and challenge the conventions of painting, though her rendering of female subjects are inspired by Renaissance era portraiture. It also references digitised mass production and a futuristic post-human world, populated by perfect-looking female cyborgs. The masculine gaze, to which all feminine is subject within a patriarchal framework, is plain to see. However, revealed as self-portraits, the feminine, cast in the roles given to her by The Gaze, stares knowingly, ferociously, straight back. The result is a series of brightly coloured large-scale paintings, evoking the street, art history and the future.
×Kilmany-Jo Liversage (b. 1973) lives and works in Cape Town, South Africa. Adopting the graffiti or urban art language allows her to update, renew and challenge the conventions of painting, though her rendering of female subjects are inspired by Renaissance era portraiture. It also references digitised mass production and a futuristic post-human world, populated by perfect-looking female cyborgs. The masculine gaze, to which all feminine is subject within a patriarchal framework, is plain to see. However, revealed as self-portraits, the feminine, cast in the roles given to her by The Gaze, stares knowingly, ferociously, straight back. The result is a series of brightly coloured large-scale paintings, evoking the street, art history and the future.