Kalenga Nkonge

Kalenga (aka bonkoti) Nkonge’s images are captured digitally and during long extensive walks
that he takes around Lusaka. In his current body of work the images are predominantly taken in
Lusaka’s markets, busy residential areas, and wherever inspiration shows itself. When he’s
shooting in busy areas he likes to capture people in their element, preferring to “shoot from the
hip”, allowing him to be both participant and observer of a moment. There are equally special
moments on his adventures where he gets to interact with the people he meets and he’s
afforded the opportunity of taking portraits. There usually isn't a predefined idea of what he will
capture, which he sees as a plus in his process, as he likes to be surprised by the compositions,
colours, and stories that the space will present. Kalenga’s photography work centres, as its
subject, the ordinary Zambian and the everyday Zambian experience. The documentary style of
his photography is mixed with equal portions of grit, humour, and colour.
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