Edith Sampa Chiliboy

Edith Sampa Chiliboy (1993) is a Zambian contemporary photographer, who invites you into a world of poetry without words. She believes photography is a journey, that allows her creativity to grow and helps her to make sense of the world. Through her poetic images she explores her societal roles and breaks them.
Her photography has led her to various spaces such as being the first ever photographer to be collected by the Chaminuka private collection in Zambia. In 2018 she was selected for the Art Exhibition against Drug Abuse at the Zambian National Museum in collaboration with the Zambian Drug Enforcement Commission. In 2019 and 2024 she took part in the Stories of Kalingalinga workshop, organised by the Zambian National Visual Arts Council in collaboration with Anglia Ruskin University. In 2020 she was a member of the PhotoCovidZambia collective and in 2022 her work featured in Fabricated Stories with the Women’s History Museum, after a six months residency. In 2022 she was awarded a joint Affects and Colonialism Web Lab Fellowship at the Freie Universität Berlin. Most recently her work featured in the ‘Chaminuka Emerging Artists Exhibition’ (2022) and ‘Fractures’ by the Women's History Museum (2023). She was a contributing artist for the Flat Time House (UK) research initiative ‘Incidental Mpala’ in collaboration with Wayiwayi Art Studio (2023).
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