Juan Stockenstroom is a South African artist, born in 1982 in Cape Town, where he grew up. He started out working in the medium of photography and digital art. However, after a number of years in this medium, he found it limiting and so abandoned it. In 2018, he started working in painting, finding this medium more expansive and thus more suitable for exploring the themes around his upbringing and experiences as a person of mixed race and heritage (termed “coloured”) in apartheid and post-apartheid South Africa.
×Juan Stockenstroom is a South African artist, born in 1982 in Cape Town, where he grew up. He started out working in the medium of photography and digital art. However, after a number of years in this medium, he found it limiting and so abandoned it. In 2018, he started working in painting, finding this medium more expansive and thus more suitable for exploring the themes around his upbringing and experiences as a person of mixed race and heritage (termed “coloured”) in apartheid and post-apartheid South Africa.