Untitled Art

Untitled creates different spaces for people to discover, explore, browse and buy art. We set out to make art more accessible and inclusive, inviting more people to appreciate and engage with it, more often, in more ways.

Since our launch at the end of 2020, we’ve achieved that through a hybrid mix of events, including intimate artists’ studio visits, content such as newsletters and social media, our digital platform, and participation at Art Fairs, such as the Investec Cape Town Art Fair ALT section and FNB Art Joburg LAB section.

To connect people and art more closely, we work hard to nurture authentic relationships with and between artists, art lovers and art collectors. We’re fortunate to work with some of the most outstanding new and established creative talent that our country has.

There are currently no artworks by this artist available on Latitudes. Please contact info@latitudes.online if you would like us to source works.