Ilze Wessels

My work founded itself in advocating for digital agency, as a result of lock down I was able to
test these practices, where dreamy statements of a virtual space to realise place was made into
online art activations and building worlds together across the globe. Wondering how might we
‘realise’ together when there is no togetherness remains the question? For architects the concept
of world building is not foreign, we do it daily, whether within the frameworks of softwares and
screen or within the theoretical paragraphs of visionary paragraphs, the task remains building
yet with materials coming to exist to navigate and form this unfamiliar context. Introducing
people through technology to the world of virtual prototype becomes method, validated by
collaborations with African Reclaimers Organisation, The Goethe Institute, The Makers Valley
Collective within spatial contextual prototypes allowed for pivots towards The British Council and
D.A.A.D ‘s virtual space needs to establish connections and sustain alignments within a separated
planetary bio-political world.
I currently run my own practice ‘is Sound Architecture and work within different educational
institutions, on-lining youth to Technologies of Architectural Design, Construction and Theory
of History and Interior Design. Research into Architectural Dialogue and Sound Practices via
Cultural Networks with collaborators including iSUPPORT MUSIC, DINTHO OBJECTS, DRIP STUDIOS
and WOMBANIFEST continue work-shopping formats of incubation learning spaces for future
Architects, Artists and Activists in this complex Post-pandemic planetary paradigm.
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