King Debs

King Debs draws his influences from his Tswana heritage and lived experiences as a child, born in Mafikeng and growing up in Tshwane (Pretoria). King Debs focuses primarily on African identity, scriptoria, handstyles, and indigenous ideographics. Using various media from music and sound design to 3D/CGI film and video creation to bring his vision to life, King Debs has created a visual language to represent a futuristic version of South Africa. In the framework of this exhibition, South Africa is referred to as Azania, which is a protest name given by Steven Bantu Biko in his works around Black Consciousness during his fight for freedom and liberation. After a 2-year social sabbatical from 2016 to 2018, King Debs has developed a visual language that encapsulates his ideas around empathy and humility in the ever-expanding information era.
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