Ann Ludwig is a Johannesburg-based artist with a major in History of Art from UNISA and a B.Mus degree from WITS. She has received practical art training from various teachers and workshops. A few years ago, she discovered a passion for printmaking, drawn to its unpredictability and the unexpected outcomes it offers. Ann's quirky and amusing images are inspired by her love or literature, theatre, art history, and nature, especially trees.
Currently, she is working on a series of prints featuring a donkey, a cat, and a jester journeying through diverse episodes in literature, history, and place. Inspired by R.L. Stevenson’s Travels with a Donkey, this series represents her personal journey through memories, books, and the different paths she has taken in life.
Ann Ludwig is a Johannesburg-based artist with a major in History of Art from UNISA and a B.Mus degree from WITS. She has received practical art training from various teachers and workshops. A few years ago, she discovered a passion for printmaking, drawn to its unpredictability and the unexpected outcomes it offers. Ann's quirky and amusing images are inspired by her love or literature, theatre, art history, and nature, especially trees.
Currently, she is working on a series of prints featuring a donkey, a cat, and a jester journeying through diverse episodes in literature, history, and place. Inspired by R.L. Stevenson’s Travels with a Donkey, this series represents her personal journey through memories, books, and the different paths she has taken in life.
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