Filipe Branquinho

Filipe Branquihno grew up during the Mozambique Civil War, surrounded by journalists and artists, his interest in photography was born from contact with the greatest names in Mozambican photography such as Ricardo Rangel, Kok Nam or José Cabral. He studied architecture in Mozambique and continued his studies in Brazil, where he trained in photography and self-taught art.
Through his work, Filipe Branquinho explores the reality of Mozambique, the lifestyles of its inhabitants, its mythology and its urban dynamics. It addresses social issues such as class disparities, culture, politics, collective memory and working conditions. His style blends his view of architecture linked to his training and his familiarity with the "school" of Mozambican photography, merging the genres of photography and landscape. Large-format portraits in which the model poses in the heart of his work environment or in his home are the hallmark of his work. Both a portrait of an individual and an architecture, his photographs seem to document and draw the map of an African world in transformation while refusing to satisfy all expectations of exoticism.
In 2013, with his Showtime series, Filipe Branquihno was a finalist for the BES Photo Award. Then in 2015, with the series Interior Landscapes (2011-2014) he won the Popcap'15 prize - international prize for contemporary African photography.
SOLO EXHIBITIONS 2016 Botânica, Fernando Leite Couto Foundation, Maputo, Mozambique 2013 Occupations, Fnac ? Montparnasse, Paris, France 2011 Occupations, Temporary occupations 20.11, Maputo, Mozambique 2009/2010 Illustrations by Branquinho, Camões Institute, Maputo, Mozambique 2009 Uno, Maputo, Mozambique Portraits and graphics, The Art street, Maputo, Mozambique 2008 Brasil 2004-2006, Centre culturel franco-mozambicain, Maputo, Mozambique 2007 Um olhar sobre Londrina, MAM/Secretaria Municipal de Cultura de Londrina, Londrina, Brazil 2006 Arte em Movimento 03, Modern Art Museum, Londrina, Brazil Arte em Movimento 02, Modern Art Museum, Londrina, Brazil Arte em Movimento 01, Modern Art Museum, Londrina, Brazil GROUP SHOWS 2019: The Past, the Present and the In Between, 58° Biennale de Venise, Pavillon du Mozambique 2018 African Passions, Palais Cadaval, Evora, Portugal (curator: André Magnin) 2016 Gurué, Kulungwana Gallery, Maputo, Mozambique 2015 Rencontres de Bamako, the African Biennale of Photography, Telling time exibition, national museum, Bamako, Mali Image Afrique, Basel, Switzerland (Popcap?15) International Photography Festival, Cap Vert (Popcap?15) 2014 Africa Here / Ici l?Afrique, L?Afrique contemporaine à travers le regard de ses artistes, Château de Penthes, Geneva, Switzerland (curator : Adelina von Fürtsenburg) 2013 Regarde Moi - PHOTOQUAI 2013, 4ème biennale des images du monde, Musée du Quai Branly, Paris, France Present Tense, Photography from Southern Africa, The Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation - Next Future Gulbenkian Program, Lisbonne, Portugal 2012 Occupations Galeria Torreão Cordoaria Nacional, Estação Imagem/Mora Award, Lisbon, Portugal Gulbenkian gardens, Lisbon, Portugal Portuguese Centre of Photography, Estação Imagem/Mora Award, Porto, Portugal Mr. Sambo, 5a Bienal de Arte Contemporânea do Muvart, CCB, Maputo, Moçambique 2011 Afro-Portuguese Perspectives, National Cultural History Museum, Pretoria, South Africa 2010 Karl Max 1834, Maputo, Mozambique Rotura e Desconversão, Bienal MUVART, National Museum of Art, Maputo, Mozambique Mostra de Desenho e Instalação, Camões Institute, Maputo, Mozambique Água é vida, JA, Mozambican association of photography, Maputo, Mozambique 2009 Memórias, Museum of Modern Art, Londrina, Brazil 2007 XXI Mostra Afro-Brasileira Palmares, Museum of Modern Art, Londrina, Brazil 2006 Photo Festa, Rurbano, Maputo, Mozambique 2005 XX Mostra Afro-Brasileira Palmares, Museum of Modern Art, Londrina, Brazil 2003 Photography workshop, Londrina State University, Brazil FAIRS 2018 Paris Photo, Grand Palais, Paris, France 2017 Paris Photo, Grand Palais, Paris, France 2016 Photo Basel, Switzerland 2015 Paris Photo, Grand Palais, Paris, France 1:54 Contemporary African Art Fair, London, England 2013 Paris Photo, Grand Palais, Paris, France AWARDS 2015 Popcap'15, International Prize for Contemporary African Photography, winner. 2012 Estação Imagem/Mora International Award, 1ère catégorie portrait
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