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Henrietta Scholtz

Henrietta Scholtz
Henrietta Scholtz, is an artist interested in the human condition, meta narratives and the study and development of cultures both ancient and modern. Her practice seeks to intersect the use of mark making, sound, voice, performance and the visual. She has exhibited in various group shows including Turbine Art Fair, The National Arts Festival, MTN UJ Continuing Conversations, top ten Emerging Artist Portrait Award (2018), top 100 Sasol New Signatures (2019) and Top 20 Thami Mnyele Fine Art Awards (2019) and The Centre for the Less Good Idea’s Long Minute Series 1 (2020). Recently, she participated in the Creative Practices Residency in Bloemfontein, which is funded by the Vrystaat Kunstefees and a group exhibition at the Voortrekker Monument as part of Aardklop Festival. She also co-curated the exhibition a short philosophy on medium showing at AVA Gallery in Cape Town until 25th November, 2021. Henrietta holds a degree in English Literature and an honours degree in Communications Management

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