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Jenny Stadler

Jenny Stadler
Jenny Stadler born in 1938, is a full time South African abstract painter based in Parkwood, Johannesburg. She has a Bachelor of Art in Fine Arts and has exhibited extensively in Johannesburg and Cape Town. While her work is primarily oil on canvas, Stadler occasionally uses found objects such as Lion matchstick boxes and Chappies bubble-gum wrappers which have a nostalgic significance to South African Pop-culture in her works. These found objects become immersed in the work. Her abstract style and works are immediately recognisable as ‘Jenny Stadler works’. They carry an expressionist style in that they make use of vibrant colours, dramatic brushwork, and a thick application of impasto paint. Her works are emotionally loaded. She has a unique ability to capture a mood in every painting. Her paintings are inspired by the African landscape and artefacts; Oriental textiles and ancient and contemporary art world-wide. Working intuitively through improvisation, she works directly onto the canvas. Although classified as abstract, figures and landscapes may be discerned in the works. Her titles are symbolic references but it is the visual experience of the work and the way in which the painted surface approximates the movement and depth of natural configurations, that each painting evokes its particular spirit and feeling

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