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MJ Turpin

MJ Turpin
B. 1982, Johannesburg, South Africa MJ Turpin was born in 1982 in Johannesburg, South Africa where he currently works. Turpin obtained his BA (Hons) in Fine Arts at the University of the Wit- watersrand. He works as an independent contemporary artist and co-director of the Kalashnikovv gallery in Braamfontein, Johannesburg. Turpin’s work is a combination of mixed media as well as installations that convey his exploration of contemporary forms of escapism such as the internet, drug addiction and religion. Turpin’s most recent solo exhibition “take me apart” at No End Contemporary was an attempt to interrogate old narratives and replace them with new ones. Through these works, Turpin deconstructs history, self and ideas of privilege and western cultural hegemony. Turpin’s work has been exhibited in a number of group shows at spaces such as The Goodman Gallery, Everard Read and Circa to name a few. He has also par- ticipated in various shows internationally in Belgium, Holland, Germany, Mo- rocco and Taiwan. His latest international exhibition participation was La Gaite Lyrique French/ South Africa season in Paris.

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