Sandi Kuper

Sandi Kuper

Sandi Kuper is a medical doctor and artist who draws on her medical knowledge to create art that bridges the gap between science and aesthetics. She works in a range of mediums but has a special interest in printmaking. Her work consists of many layers namely cerebral, creative and physical creating a tapestry of intent and profound meaning.

Her influence is primarily a need to heal the human existential odyssey, her own poignant spiritual journey stemming from years of working with patients on a physical level but connecting with a far deeper emotional resonance as she faces their frailty and fears. She exhibits great vulnerability in her work and the complex layering of her mediums. 

Another body of work looks at pathways connecting memory and thought within the brain. These pathways operate at a cellular, physiological, biochemical and emotional level. She explores disease and dis-ease within these areas as well as the devastating psychosocial impact of Memory Loss. The series draws on her clinical experience and an accumulation of medical science imagery, which conveys a personal account of how this affliction permeates and devastates family life. In her latest body of work titled “Home?” she has tried to examine the concept of Home to a refugee. Home traditionally is synonymous with security and safety. The use of the question mark is significant as it emphasises the nuance of the question of what or where a home is. Is home a dream, an ideal, a whisper? Is home behind or in front? What if home is just a shadow and not within reach? What if there is no security or safety for throwaway people? It explores the transitory and disintegrating illusion of these concepts and the abyss of darkness enfolding the refugee.

Kuper’s work portrays her deepest emotional and spiritual questions and the odyssey she is on personally as she traverses the complex existential crisis of life. She exhibits a deep sensitivity to the subject matter of her work as she searches for meaning. 

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