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Selvin November

Selvin November
SELVIN NOVEMBER (1969 - ) Selvin November describes his art career as a long and testing journey. While much of his previous work was politically inspired, his current practice is concerned with portraiture. He explores this genre using rich and inventive combinations of colour and textures to engage with issues around memory, personal identity and interpersonal relations. Ordinary people are portrayed doing everyday activities, elevating the so-called "low culture" to the "high culture" of the canvas. Drawing on techniques such as image cropping and tonal variation, November refers to his style as Afro-Pop and seeks to reduce an image to its bare essence. November completed a Diploma in Art and Design at Cape Technikon and was awarded a three month ‘Artist in Residence Stay’ on Robben Island (1996). November held his first solo exhibition The Portrait Speaks at the AVA Gallery in Cape Town in 2008. He has participated in numerous group exhibitions within South Africa especially Cape Town.

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