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Adeolu Osibodu

Adeolu Osibodu's headshot

Adeolu Osibodu, born in 1997 in Lagos, Nigeria, is a self-taught photographer and photo artist who has carved a unique niche in the world of visual storytelling. He was drawn to photography because it allows him to express himself without the need for words, stating, “the idea of photography caught my eye because I didn't have to say anything to express myself. In other words, I never have to explain myself.” This philosophy underscores his approach to art.

Osibodu's work has gained international attention, being exhibited in prestigious locations across France, Germany, and the UAE. In 2017, he achieved significant recognition by winning the Eyeem Portraitist Award in Berlin for an image from his impactful project "Losing Amos." His work has also been featured and acknowledged by notable publications and platforms, including Ignant, Adobe Photoshop, Gup Magazine, Flickr, Blur Magazine, Kwerfeldein, and CNN.

Osibodu’s artistic practice is driven by a keen observation of the world around him. He expresses, “I’m inspired by everything I see, hear, and feel,” reflecting his holistic approach to photography as a medium for capturing the essence of life. Through his lens, he documents moments and emotions, often finding clarity and understanding in the reflections of his captured images. This commitment to visual storytelling continues to resonate in his work as he explores the intersections of personal experience and broader societal themes.

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