David Krut Projects

Established in 2002 David Krut Projects (DKP) has various gallery and art based activities in Johannesburg at Arts on Main in the inner city, and on the Parkwood art strip in the northern suburbs. The gallery, bookstore, book publishing, framing and education facilities have since expanded across Jan Smuts Avenue continuing to provide a collaborative arts facility at THE BLUE HOUSE at 151. In 2002, David Krut Workshop (DKW) was established as a collaborative intaglio and monotype studio in Johannesburg. In 2009, the DKW Workshop was relocated to Arts on Main and collaborates on fine art editions and unique works on paper with artists such as Deborah Bell, William Kentridge, Maja Maljević, Pebofatso Mokoena, Mongezi Ncaphayi, Nina Torr, Diane Victor and Stephen Hobbs amongst other local and international artists. The gallery exhibition program promotes works produced at DKW as well painters and sculptors and supports artists in their careers. DKP also offers a training program for graduates wanting to have careers in the arts.
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