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Selwyn Steyn

Selwyn Steyn
Selwyn Steyn (born 1997) completed his undergraduate degree in architecture in 2019, ending as the winner of the Pretoria Institute of Architecture design award in his year. His passion and focus however has always been visual art. His work arises from the departure point of a knowledge base grounded in spatiality and place-making. Selwyn finds parallels between spatial theory and visual cultural whilst navigating multiple mediums in his pursuit of grappling with interpretations of our individual and collective understandings of psyche, identity, perception and ideology, within the context of South Africa. Selwyn has exhibited at the ABSA gallery with BKHZ, Turbine Art Fair with RMB Talent Unlocked, No End Contemporary, UJ Art Museum, and the National Arts Festival. He was a finalist in the 2019 PPC Imaginarium and 2019 Sasol New Signatures competitions as well as a merit award winner in the 2016 edition of the Thami Mnyele Fine Arts Awards and the winner of the 2020 edition of UJ and MTN’s Continuing Conversations competition.

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